Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Internet Explorer to become standards compliant?

Here's a great bit of news for anyone disseminating information over the Web:
According to the tech watchers over at Fudzilla, the next release of Microsoft's Internet Explorer will comply to W3C standards. The W3C is the closest entity the Web has to a governing body, and for years now Microsoft has declined to make its browser fully compatible with standard HTML. For Microsoft, which bundles IE with Windows and enjoys an enormous install base, this has ensured users of its browser as Web designers often simply choose to design pages compatible with IE (and thus often making pages incompatible with other, standards-compliant browsers).
To make truly accessible Web pages that worked on any browser, designers often had to pull of some intense coding gymnastics. Needless to say, usability suffered. So here's hoping the rumors of IE standards compliance are true.

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