Saturday, January 26, 2008

Free Neil Gaiman audio story

Here's a link to a story about one of Neil Gaiman's short stories, in MP3 audio read by the author: The story includes a link to a free download provided by the publisher.
This caught my eye because it seems like a great marketing device for publishers. Some people who habitually watch Book TV (well, my mother, anyway) cite as a reason the chance to watch authors read from and talk about their work. That's remarkably hard to come across these in these days of highly managed media. Authors appearing on talk shows, for example, get about three minutes to talk, minus the time eaten up by the host's hilarity. Public readings used to be a pretty common thing. I know there are still readings, but they're relatively hard to come across and are typically undertaken by lesser-known authors. I, for one, think it's promising to see publishers using tech as an efficient platform to re-imagine those free readings.

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