Friday, January 4, 2008

The OLPC - FBReader installation

Check out TeleRead blog - FBReader running on OLPC laptop. Epub books soon for One Laptop per Child kids—and public libraries interested in laptop?

"We’re a little closer to e-book nirvana. FBReader, which in most incarnations can read .epub, the new standard e-book format from the IDPF, is now running on the OLPC laptop."

Currently these little gems cost about $400 for 2 laptops - you keep one and one is sent to a needy child somewhere in the world. The goal of the OLPC project is that the laptop will eventually sell for just $100.

Along with the Asus eeePC, these keyboards are made for very little fingers - but they're bigger than screens for text messaging and both may be viable ebook readers.

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